• ppuknepal

    Community Forest and Bio-diversity Conservation

This project is ongoing project & being introducing at Chaubas and SanuBanthali VDCs of Kavre.



Project Objectives:

  • To promote and generate the enormous energy of local forest consumer’s committee quite strongly.
  • To protect community environment through making involvement of community people.
  • To launch environmental awareness program and to deliver environmental education to the community people.
  • To aware local people for the conservation of forestry and local bio-diversity.


Nature of project:

  • People Oriented
  • Women empowerment

Funding source: Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund-Japan (KNCF)

Project Period: June 2004 to ongoing

Project location: Chaubas and Sanubanthali VDC, Kavre

Donor Agency: Rs. 5,30000.00

Local Contribution: Rs. 275,000.00

Contact Person of donor agency:

Mr. Yoshikazu Irie

General Manager